
"I'm still looking for rainbows while standing in the rain."

Monday, July 31, 2017

My Battle With the Big 'C'

Before my first chemo treatment June 15, 2017

I began a new journey on May 20, 2017, and the past three months have provided me with quite an adventure, to say the least. When I began I was not cancer free, but today we believe I am. I feel very blessed to have been down the road that I am on. I have received wonderful care and support, and I am confident about my future. It will be the largest challenge I have ever faced, but I feel prepared for it. God has been watching over me my whole life, and He has not abandoned me. My faith is strong, and it is one of the best tools I have in my arsenal. Cancer is only the physical enemy, and we have won over it already. I am more concerned about the spiritual battles; however, I am well armed and I am not alone.

It's A Tumor

It began with a ten day hospital stay that included a few days in the intensive care unit. After enduring several procedures, I ended up having the large mass on my left ovary removed as part of a complete hysterectomy. The tumor had burst and tested positive for stage 1C granulosa cell tumor, a rare form of ovarian cancer. My doctor believes that he was able to remove all of the cancer, but as a precaution I began chemotherapy treatment two weeks after my surgery.

My recovery from the hysterectomy has gone well. I no longer have any restrictions and have resumed almost all of my activities. There were no out of the ordinary issues with the hysterectomy. I also seem to be handling the loss of my fertility well. It’s not something I felt I really had anyway, as I had grieved not becoming a biological mother years ago. I have returned to work part-time and I am beginning to find my new normal with the help of my incredible support system of family and friends.

 18 Weeks of Chemo

I am now a few weeks from being half way through my chemotherapy. Every Thursday I go to the Esther Marie Hatton Cancer Center at St. Elizabeth Hospital for treatment. So far so good, as the effects of the chemo have been less than I thought they would be. Come late October I will be done. But as my doctor reminds me, I will be tested for the rest of my life for a recurrence of the cancer. Fortunately, the majority of the testing can be done with a routine blood test.

No one plans to have his or her life upended unexpectedly. I’ve learned so much about myself, life, God, and how to handle adversity these past few months. God has been good to me, and He continues to take care of me each step of the way. There are ups and downs throughout all of life, but I can honestly say that most of the past three months have been filled with joy. I have much to be joyful about—I am in relatively good health, I’m cancer-free, I am surrounded by loved ones, faith, and prayer, and I have the very best care at every turn. All of my needs are being met. So many people in this world are not so blessed, so the very least I can do is be grateful that God has preserved me in this time and place and manner. I’d like to share my journey and some of the grace and wisdom that I’ve gleaned along the way. So stay tuned to my blog as I share my battles and lessons as a prayer warrior princess.


  1. Michele JohnsonAugust 1, 2017 at 8:29 AM
    Feeling very blessed to call you a dear friend❤️ We may not get together often, but when we do, I am always uplifted in every way. It was so good to meet for lunch last month and we must promise each other to do so more often. Thank you for sharing your faith, courage and love, Dawn! You are an incredible source if inspiration, prayer warrior princess!!!

    1. Thank you so much, Michele. We must get together more often. Let's visit again in September and celebrate the school year and my progress. I am so glad we are still dear friends. God is so good to us both!

  2. Dawn, what an uplifting response to what must have been a very scary and trying time in your life. You continue to be in my thoughts and prayers. Your faith is somply astounding!

    1. Thank you, dear friend. You know, I didn't have time to be scared. As I will write about in the future, things unfolded one piece at a time, and I was so surrounded by support, love, and prayer I couldn't do anything but be happy and grateful. i appreciate your continued prayers.

  3. Dawn, what can I say... knowing you makes me a better Daughter of The King. Thank You! Good thoughts and prayers coming your way.

    1. Pinkie-5! Thank you so much for your thoughts and prayers. It's because I have people like yourself in my corner that my faith is strong. I've learned a lot from you. Adversity is not your stranger, but you have shown me such class and tenacity.

  4. Dawn,
    I will continue to pray for you as I always do!!! what a journey!!!
