
"I'm still looking for rainbows while standing in the rain."

Friday, November 9, 2012

Rise Up

It would have been so easy to fall into despair in the waning hours of November 6, 2012. Roughly half of the voters in our country did not see the result we had worked so hard to achieve. And big things were at stake. Liberty, truth, values, our American culture. So much disappointment. While half the country was satisfied, it is a large half that is suffering the defeat.

Yes, it would have been simple, and understandable to throw up our hands and then mope about for the foreseeable future. So much death, misery, abuse of life, people without work, heat and food. But that is not the path I am called to. I cannot surrender and sink into the mire of confusion that is this Culture of Death. Those who have heard His call cannot abandon the Way, the Truth, and the Life. We have been lied to. There is not the possibility of finding what we seek through many ways. Nor can we find it by rewriting the definitions of things that humanity has known for millennium. And there is nothing, certainly not our selfish need for convenience, that is more important on Earth than Life. So I am not  giving up the fight.

It certainly would be foolish to just roll over and play dead. God expects more of me because He has way more than I can envision planned! This is time for greatness. As we enter more deeply into this dark time in American history, I am reminded of the Dark Ages. The time of disease, economic struggle, wars, and great human suffering certainly was one of the worst times in human history. How did God address it? He raised up great saints. Saints like Joan of Arc, Francis of Assisi, Albert the Great, Thomas Aquinas came out of the Dark Ages and humanity is all the better for it. I believe that God is preparing among us saints who will be the likes of those great men and women of God.

Who are these saints in the making? Who is God calling to inspire anew His people? Who will the Holy Spirit move among to help renew the face of the Earth? If not you, who? If not now, when? This is the acceptable time! The Lord has declared a year of favor for Him. It is now that we must be fierce in the battle, for it belongs to Him!

Saints, now is your time to rise up. Be not afraid. Be bold in faith. He is King!

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